Our Services:
A selection of our service levels. each package is custom tailored and estimated accordingly, the below pricing is estimated.
While this system seems cheap and effective, it is simply one blanket approach applied to everyone who buys the service. Impersonal and not nearly as effective as a custom tailored service.
While a basic package, the silver does more than anyone else to ensure you land a great new job. The entire line of services is present here, including the personalization, custom resume and cover letter, and interview coaching. Silver Packages start at $1200.
The “Gold Standard” of career coaching and development. This service includes more thorough research, in-depth interview coaching and preparation and detailed support throughout. The Gold Packages are offered around $1800.
The absolute finest in reimagining your career ambitions. The platinum package is a powerful service tailored for the ambitious graduate or those aiming for high-level positions. Platinum packages include ladder climbing connections and methods, with immense return on investment. Platinum packages start around $2500.